No longer a pearl

by; AzraQuotes

I was playing alone infront of our home,
And there comes a man with teddy bear,
He then came to me while smiling,
I was very happy,
To get the teddy,
after holding it,
I swear am in tears for you my reader to feel my pain,
It was better for me to die before this,
Even if whole world gives me smile and love,
I will always wish i was never born,
All my happiness are gone,
No one will take massive actions for my rights,
Am no longer a girl child,
I couldn’t comprehend why he did this,
Only old days rape used to be something scandal,
Am feeling every part of mine was misused,
Will I not miss life of school,
Playing hide and seek with friends,
The state I am in now,
Seems hospital will be my home,
Why did he went away with my heart,
Just after seven days I will be under grave.

@AzraQuotes Owner.

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