COVID19: Essence of Celebration and Worship.
The scourges of COVID-19 are massive and Weakening ranging from Destructions, unfamiliar pains and negative changes globally.
THICH NAHT HANH said it best. He explained that we have this attachment to familiar pains and we’d rather go through something that we’re sure of and used to than what he calls unfamiliar pains.
There’s been lots of changes since the birth of COVID-19, which feel fresh and new. To some Degree, we’re all going through some grief at the moment. We’ve all lost something. Maybe we’ve lost someone, some people have lost different things. There’s been a huge miss in the education sector.
Let’s contend against this Virus and maintain our life standards.
If there’s unity and sincerity in the fight against COVID-19.
Joy would not be cancelled
Togetherness would not be cancelled
Our affairs would not be procrastinated
Connection would not be cancelled
Celebration would not be cancelled
And the most part of it which is worship would not be suspended
Whatever we’ve missed, lost, Postponed, delayed or cancelled, let’s remember that emotion or feeling can never be cancelled.
“Worship is defined as reverence and veneration to perform religious exercie in honour of the supreme Being” And worship includes celebrating festivities With respect to paying homage to the Creator.
There’s been a downturn in worship and celebration world over, which worship is the basis of our creation.
Togetherness in worship is of crucial value, but this has been suspended without no definite return.
Let us celebrate ourselves in the possible way we can
Let us be devoted in worship and celebration
Let us worship in the possible way we can
We should not stop worshipping and celebrating because celebration and worship are about Energy not about anything else.
The Stop of Worship is the End of Life!!!!