Home Business news Trains Resume Full Operation As Unions, NRC Management Call Off Strike

Trains Resume Full Operation As Unions, NRC Management Call Off Strike

by iDeemlawful

The management of the Nigerian Railway Corporation (NRC) on Saturday announced the commencement of full train operation following the suspension of a warning strike by the two in-house unions of train workers.

In a joint communique signed by the management and the unions, the Corporation assured its passengers of full operation on all its corridors.

The statement assured that as part of safety measures, there would be a joint inspection of the rail lines by NRC engineers and security personnel for confirmation of track safety before train departures commence

The various train schedules for’ today are ‘as follows: Abuja- Kaduna (AK3) which departed Idu train station at 09:30am; subsequently the five return trips – Kaduna- Abuja (KA6), AK7, KA8, AK9, and KAIO would move as scheduled on the train timetable.

Meanwhile, the Warri to ltakpe train service also began as follows: WITS 01 and 04 left Agbor train station at 09:20am ‘to Itakpe and WITS 02 and 03 left Agbor station to Ujeku at 11:50am; both trains commenced according to the current timetable

The NRC management congratulated the two in-house unions for the timely suspension of strike action even as it apologized to all its passengers for the inconveniences the strike might have caused them.

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