Controversial author and former presidential aide, Reno Omokri has berated General Overseer of Daystar Christian Centre, Pastor Sam Adeyemi, for celebrating Christmas.
This came after Pastor Sam Adeyemi took to his Twitter handle to caution persons calling out Christians in Nigeria who celebrated Christmas day.
According to clergyman, countries where Christianity was brought from to Nigeria celebrated with uninterrupted power supply, yet some persons are only concerned on how Christmas rice would hinder celebrating Christians from making heaven.
Reacting to the development, Reno Omokri in a lengthy post on Instagram countered the preacher, giving insights why Christmas should not be celebrated.
His post reads; “Christianity came to Nigeria from Britain. In 2005, the same Britain, from where missionaries came to Nigeria, agreed to allow homosexual priests be ordained. Should we now also accept that practice in our own churches because Britain brought us Christianity?

“Our standard should be Scripture, not other nations.
“Having uninterrupted power has absolutely no bearing on true religion. Christ and His disciples had no electrical power, but that did not stop them from having uninterrupted and unlimited spiritual power. That is why it is said that “the kingdom of God is not a matter of talk but of power”
-1 Corinthians 4:20. “The argument is not that people should not celebrate Christmas. Rather, it is that when we choose to celebrate Christmas, we should not do so in the name of Christ. Because Christ Himself asked us to ONLY teach others what He taught us-Matthew 28:20.
“Also, Scripture warns us of God’s curse on us if we add to the Word of God-Revelations 22:18.
“Christ handed over to us a complete faith, which is why He said “it is finished”-John 19:30. So, there is no reason to help Him and His Father by adding to the complete faith He gave us.
“You can have uninterrupted power and still miss God’s Kingdom. The two are not connected in any sense. The Laodicean Church had uninterrupted money, but Christ Himself told them they had missed God’s Kingdom-Revelations 3:17.
“This your Christmas is exactly like what the Israelites did in Exodus 32:5. They on their own agreed together to have “a festival to the Lord.” They did not call it a festival unto satan. They called it a festival unto God. But God rejected their so called “festival to the Lord”, because He did not instruct them to hold such a festival.
“Pastor Sam, who instructed you to celebrate Christmas? Christ, or “the countries from where they brought Christianity”?
“When you choose what you will do in your religion, are you still worshipping God? Is it you or God that will tell you how to worship Him?
“Christ lived for 33 years on Earth. How many times did He mark birthdays? Yet, birthday celebrations were common in Christ’s days-Matthew 14:6.”