Dear aspirant, in all honesty I intended to organize a seminar to sensitize you about the admission market, things you should be aware of. Quite unfortunately, I am really occupied at the moment, and then time is not even on my side.
I find it it compelling to pen down this little piece as to shed light on some grey areas, then I found this draft on my laptop, I was really happy, so I just thought I could do some editing and write to you so at least to give you a bit of orientation and sensitization.
As I write this, I trust you must have found your way around generating a profile code for your registration, if not kindly send your NIN to 55019 or 66019 via SMS, remember not to use a phone number a candidate has used before, reach out if you’ve got more questions(Kindly note, I am writing this in 2024, so this process is valid for 2024 and subject to JAMB directives).
Mind you, I have decided not to be too formal with my language so as to aid adequate communication between us, as long as you get what I am talking about, I am okay, and just know I will be telling you life stories so you can relate.
If you are reading this, I find you lucky as I am confident when you are done, something inside of you will get ignited.
You see, whatsoever I will be sharing in this piece, is as a result of close to a decade experience of mine in the admission consultancy industry and when I speak or write, I am not telling you hearsay things, I am talking from experience, so if books were cinemas, I will say you get some popcorn and drinks as you read through.
Let me tell you a short story!
I finished my secondary school at a young age, I wasn’t even sixteen yet, my mates were taking UTME that year but I didn’t register because I obviously thought no Nigerian University would accept me! Which was false but now true I guess save for some universities!
Yea! so I went home! Didn’t take UTME that year!
My dad wouldn’t allow me stay at home, so he enrolled me into a monotechnic that wasn’t using UTME then, just entrance exam then, where I studied Business Administration and management to get my OND! My intended course was LAW! But I studied Business Administration and management first , why? The institution I enrolled in then was just offering 3 courses then which is Statistics, Business Admin. & Mgt, and Computer science, remember I was in the Art department in secondary school, how did I end up studying Buss. Admin right? I offered Government and Economics in my O’levels exams, so that was the only course I was qualified for in the school!
To cut to chase, when I finished my HND, I re-applied for Law! Yes I finally got in! there is more to this story you will probably get to learn from later on!
What’s the lesson here?
Assuming I had the right information then, it could have been a direct journey to the University, but honestly not much of a regret because if you see me speak business or manage business now, you would know I’m an expert at what I do! I forgot to tell you I graduated with a CGPA of 3.84 out of 4. Smalls comrade! Don’t be too formal! Relax! Relax comrade you can do better than me right!
So that’s my story right there, for some, it wasn’t age barrier, for some it was because they lacked information on the requirements of their desired course!
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My cousin applied to UI some years back, he did well academically but he picked the wrong subject combination for his course, in fact he was one of the top-performed aspirants that year, imagine! Burning night candle, sleepless night, starving yourself from social activities and lot more sacrifices you make, imagine losing your admission due to wrong combination! That’s really bad! After all the TV programmes Mum and Dad stopped you from watching! Mehn! Bad experience right!
Don’t worry he is fine now, studying his desired course (Computer Engineering) in OAU now, by the way he’s a guru now, a tech bro, really obsessed with his course of study, in fact he should be graduating soon and just so you know he will be a multimillionaire soon, because he really has high dreams!
You see the reason I told you, you’re lucky learning from me, I am not just telling you all these from nowhere, I’m teaching you based on life experiences which I don’t want you to experience!
Let me tell you quickly another story, I won’t give much information about this story, do you get! Personal reasons! This is a fresh case!
This aspirant applied for … course in so so university….. he was the top scorer, he scored the highest in the admission process, his name was number one on the list of admission, guess what happened? You don’t want to know! WRONG SUBJECT Combination. Mehn touching story yea! I’ve seen a lot! You know.
Don’t be scared, I’m not here to scare you away with all of these stories, the aim of sharing these stories with you is for you to know that information matters. Not all aspirants couldn’t gain admission because of their academic performance, most are lack of information! Do you understand?
There’s more to the Admission market. Be calm, allow me enlighten you on how to swim through the murky waters of the Admission market! Grab a chilled drink and be attentive!
Your Admission Consultant
Oyewo Ajibola Abdulrazaq
Chapter 1
Understanding the Admission market and its requirements
The Admission market!
You might be wondering why I termed it admissions market right, obviously it is a market where the transaction of offer and acceptance of admission into tertiary institutions takes place; it’s a market that entails series of processes.
Dear friend, the admissions market can be likened to that of the labour market or even worse, the competition is high, however there’s a pathway to navigating ones way through the process.
It’s worthy you understand the admissions market and its players. We’ve two major players in the admissions market; the tertiary institutions (Universities) and you the Aspirants, while we have bodies like Joint Admission Matriculation Board (JAMB) regulating and facilitating the process.
One thing about the admissions market is that, it’s one sided competitive, it’s the aspirants that compete squarely to secure studentship in these various universities in the country and not the other way around, institutions don’t compete, what they only have to do is to release there application forms and aspirants come, trooping in.
What does this has to teach you?
You are the one in competition!
It’s you against thousands and millions of aspirants!
Did that sink in? Did it awaken anything in you? Obviously it should!
The competition is not meant to scare you but rather to prepare you mentally ahead of what’s coming!
Believe me it has a key! You want to know what the key is?
It is strategic preparation!
You can boldly say that what the admissions market requires from you is purely strategic preparation!
You can see I didn’t say just preparation! I said strategic preparation!
Now what do I mean by strategic preparation right. Good! Seeking admission into any Nigerian university requires that you understand the pattern of the university of your choice, you see these universities have different patterns of screening their aspirants and selecting their students. Your first task is to understand what’s the pattern of the university I’m applying to!
In doing that, what you should do first is confirm the UTME (JAMB) subject combination, do you remember the stories in the introduction section? A lot of candidates get it wrong from the start, by selecting a wrong subject combination for their UTME exam. In my years of experience as an admissions consultant I’ve heard several weird subject combinations that leaves me in pity for the candidate, a little mistake that would cost them a whole year at home or a change in career, just imagine! So your first task is to ensure you select the right subject combination for your desired course of study!
How do you know the right subject combination for your desired course of study?
- Consult an admission consultant.
- Consult your parents if they are knowledgeable in the field (Not too safe an option)
- Consult your Secondary school exams officer (If you notice he/she is not sure about what you’re asking don’t take their recommendation!)
out of the above listed people you can consult for anything admission matters, your best option is to consult an admissions consultant/ educational consultant, someone like me!
However as there are people you can consult from, there are also platforms you can consult from, I am writing this book now in 2024, so I can guarantee these platforms will still exist for the next 4 years!
First platform to consult is the JAMB IBASS portal, it’s an interactive online platform for Tertiary institutions aspirants, it’s a portal powered by JAMB; the board that conducts the UTME exam, so any information you get from the site can be trusted!
Let me emphasize this! Strictly JAMB IBASS portal not some third party blog! I repeat don’t trust all these bloggers, most times their information are misleading, be sure to get your info from JAMB IBASS portal. In fact let me share the web address check for the brochure; in there you can find your subject combination, Universities that offer your desired course, check for syllabus and several other things that will benefit you as an aspirant that are on the platform. Best wishes!
The second platform, which is your last resort if there is any confusion in your subject combination or if you have to confirm if the university offers your desire course of study is the UNIVERSITY Website, your desired university portal! Let say you want to go to University of Ibadan (UI), there website is , if its unilorin you can always check through once you get on the website, find your way to their admission requirement page! Every university nowadays have a website, so you can always check for information!
Let me share you a story.
My younger brother was applying for Architecture sometimes back, Dad and mum contacted me to guide him through the registration process, so I had to take it up from there. Now we are at the stage where he has to decide his UTME subject combination, so he sent me the subject combination he thought was right for his course of study (Use of English, Math, Physics and chemistry), but he was wrong because he wanted to apply to UI as his first choice.
Here is the thing some subject combination varies according to universities, whereas some are general, for instance you want to study Medicine and surgery, everyone knows for certain that your subject combination is Use of English, Physics, Chemistry and biology period! No argument! Let’s get back to my brothers story I was telling you.
In his case, he might be right assuming he was going to UI, but as for UI the right combination for Architecture is Use of English, Math, physics, either Geography or Economics so look at that!
Imagine he didn’t ask me, imagine he went ahead to score the best and at the end of the day he was disqualified because of wrong utme combination. That would have been a sorry case! As for me I would laugh at him! Because he was intentionally ignorant by not asking me or seeking professional guidance!
Did you get the storyline? Don’t overlook things, the little things sometimes matters the most!
Having given you 3 type of people to consult (the most recommended is an admissions consultant) and two platforms to get appropriate info from, I can confidently say we’ve discussed fully on how to get information on the requirements of course of study in your desired institution!
I repeat don’t rely on blogs as a source of information, the information they provide are not always accurate 100%, as you know this is about your future so it’s no joke.
After you must have ascertained your subject combination the next thing is for you to register UTME, prepare for the exam in accordance to the syllabus on JAMB IBASS website, the link I share earlier on. I hear stories of aspirants complaining they didn’t know they were going to be tested on some literatures (Arts students) or some topics, or even Use of English, which is a general subject ensure you check the syllabus to prepare strategically for the exam. Other strategic means of preparing for the Admissions market will be explained in details in the coming chapters!
My dear friend, if by chance you made a mistake in your subject combination there is always opportunity to change it during the first few weeks of registration.
Chapter 2
Means of gaining Admission into Nigerian Universities
Now that you understand the admission market as a platform where you the aspirants and the institution interact through offer and acceptance of admission, it is indispensable that you understand the various means with which you can secure admission, not only secure admission but secure your desired course of study.
You see I’m particular about aspirants getting their desired course of study, I’m not a fan of just getting any course and go to the university! Nah! That’s not me.
I will rather have you try again than taking up a course you don’t have a flare for. That’s more disastrous.
You’ve to be specific about your goal, what you want and how you intend to get it! Don’t just accept whatsoever life throws at you! It’s not done!
What do I mean by means of gaining admission into Nigerian Universities?
If I were to ask you the question above, I bet your answer will be take jamb and write post utme right! No there’s more to it.
Firstly let’s talk about the common process which is UTME.
UTME is an acronym for Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination, it is an exam conducted by JAMB (Joint Admission Matriculation Board), mostly you guys claim you take jamb form, ehn you’re writing jamb, no that’s wrong, it’s the utme that you’re sitting for!
It’s like saying you want to write british council when actually it is IELTS exams you wish to take, stop mixing it up.
It’s the common exam secondary school leavers sit for alongside WAEC and NECO, if you’re in SS3, I’m sure you are planning to take the exam, and if you are out of school I’m sure you took the exam while you were about leaving school.
UTME is the exam you take in other to gain admission into tertiary institution, it’s a general exam for all aspirants into 100 level, it’s graded over 400! You can be the first to score 400 over 400, you can do it right?
You’re tested on 4 subjects, Use of English is compulsory and three other subject combinations as your desired course demands. Remember how to prepare strategically, where I was telling you about being careful on selecting your subject combination, a little mistake can easily derail one from one’s academic journey. I shared stories of how subject combination has affected several aspirants while they were applying for admission, don’t fall victim! Consult an Admission consultant. Like I said earlier UTME is like the most common means of securing admission into tertiary institution in nigeria; fun fact it’s not only common but also has the highest quota of admission slot!
What do I mean by it has the highest quota of Admission slot?
The said statement implies that amongst the means of getting admission, UTME stands out as it has the highest slot for admitting students compared to other means.
This also implies that UTME is less competitive to other means like Direct entry when issues like available slots and quota is being considered.
Now lets look at how the admission process cycle for UTME candidates look like:
- Obtain UTME Form
- Prepare for the Exam
- Take the Exam
- Get your Results
- Compare your score to the Cut off mark of your course in your desired University
- If not qualified obtain a change of Course or Institution Form
- Change to an Admission promising University/Course
- Obtain Post UTME Form as at when released
- Follow through with the requirements stated in the Post-UTME form
- If Required; you sit for Post UTME Exam
- Your result and other few things decides your fate in the admission market
- If qualified congratulations you will be offered admission.
When you consciously examine the step by step process of seeking admission through UTME as stated above you will identify there are some major areas that needs special attention.
First among those things is your UTME Result, you see let me not lie to you, your intention to study a desired course is never enough, obtaining the form and filling in your desired course is not enough, all of that don’t determine you will get that desired course you so much wants.
The major thing that matters when it comes to seeking admission through UTME is your UTME Score! Your result is what will set you up for Admission or not! Your UTME Result carries that much weight. It determines a lot of things. Let me make this simpler by sharing out of my experience bank!
Things like this happens yearly, but this particular one happened about three years ago, I was in my office dealing with administrative works and all that when a parent and their child came in, Good afternoon Mr Razaq, they said, we exchanged pleasantries and cut right straight to the chase. They asked me if their child can study Law with 200 as his JAMB score, he is applying to the University of Ibadan.
Course – Law!
Jamb score – 200!
University – UI!
Normally, I would want to chuckle but professionalism is needed. If you understand UI and understand how admission works you will understand the reason behind my desire to chuckle at that time. I replied with a NO! He can’t study Law as a course in UI with 200.
You might think I am being harsh, no I am not! I don’t recommend and give advice to people based on emotions, I give recommendation solely on facts and experience so far. They argued and claimed they’ve been to UI admissions office and they were told he is good to go, that 200 is the UTME cut off for all courses.
Fine, I told them the admissions office was right as they were only doing their job, however I’m also correct with my recommendation!
Confused right!
Here is the thing, allow me explain to you in details, the university admissions office stated the right information, 200 is the cut off mark for all courses in University of Ibadan. What are cut offs!
Cut offs don’t state you will get admitted, passing the cut off mark will only give you a chance to compete for admission not guaranteeing your admission, I don’t know if you understand what I’m saying. Let me put it this way, cut-off mark is like a key to a room but it only allows you entry to the room but not a seat space, it simply saying you can come to the room but we are not asking you to sit! Obviously when you enter a room without permission to sit you will eventually find your way out of that room, back to the admission scenario, the UTME cut off mark will allow you compete and sit for the post utme exam but the question an admission consultant needs to ask is what’s your chances of getting admission?
Now the obvious truth is the boy can’t study law with 200 in UI simply because he qualifies with UTME Cut off mark, he simply can’t, the metrics is against him!
To understand what I’m saying better lets do the calculation, UI admission screening comprises of two areas;
Your Jamb/UTME score is 50%
While your Post UTME score is also 50%
Making a total of 100% no emotions, purely numbers!
How is it calculated, JAMB scores are to be divided by 8; so 200/8 = 25% out of 50%
Post UTME Screening percentage is calculated by dividing the score by 2 !
It certain he has 25% out of 50% now, however remember his only chance lies in the Post-UTME exam which is 50%.
Post UTME exam is always over 100, dividing it by 2 will give us the percentage. So lets say he scores 80/100 which is a very competitive score in UI POST UTME, that’s 80/2= 40.
Now he has a total of 40+25= 65%
With 65% you can’t study Law except there is a mass failure which is just an imagination. Now you can see my reasons for saying he can’t study law with 200!
Also Admission is a thing of competition, remember he will be competing with people that scored 270, 280, 290, and 300s for that same course, in that case those will be at advantage because of their high JAMB/UTME Score!
I don’t know if you get the message!
Now imagine he scored 280 in his UTME, that will give you 280/8= 35, 35 + 40= 75%
Look at that! You see the power of a good UTME score championed by hard work and strict preparation, if you will also agree with me, an aspirant that scored 280 in UTME has the ability of scoring more than 80 in Post-UTME, I have students that have scored 86/100 countless of times over the years!
Now you see the multiplying effect of a good UTME score!
You surely understand me now! Did you just acknowledge by moving your head! Smiles !
Speaking of means of getting admission, there are other channels like direct entry (where you offer A’levels programme to gain admission into 200 level), remedial programmes or you study abroad.
But for now give UTME a shot first, later on if you need more information you can consult with me.
Chapter 3
Course Selection
In this chapter, I will be very careful!
Do you know why? The matter of discuss is a delicate one, I pray God guide me through the flow of my words.
My dear friend, this is the 21st century, be intentional about selecting a course of study, as much as the matter of passion or no passion usually comes in these conversation; for me I like that students study what they are passionate about, however what you are passionate about carries the weight.
If you’re one who is passionate to study Law as a course, why not, please study law, you might as well like people calling you D LAW, if you are passionate about Medicine and Surgery or nursing, why not, please go ahead and start wearing scrubs. If you favorite thing is numbers and you like accounting, do well to study accounting and remember to take Chattered professional courses while at it.
Here comes the knotty part, let say you are passionate about music or you like acting, if you would ask me, I would not advise you to study music or performing art just because of that at this era.
See I am a lover of talent, I help in ways I can help, but the issue at hand right now is that, this is the 21st century, you don’t just go study courses for the fun of it nowadays, it pays the most when you consider the economic prospects of the course you are studying before enrolling to study them.
Remember I mentioned something about music and acting, now imagine you’re talented in music or acting, imagine as well you are studying another lucrative course of your desire and by the side you are still pursuing your music or acting career. Doing just that, you have two and a million shot at life.
If music or your acting talent works out, congratulations and if not you know that you have something to fall back on. I don’t know if you get what I am saying.
I am never against you following your passion, just be futuristic while doing that.
Another issues is that, there are just some archaic course you shouldn’t be studying at this age again, in fact I deeply recommend the stakeholders in Nigeria’s educational system review the courses and include new ones that would align with demands of the future.
You see many at times, bunch of students just want to go to the university to study any course just for certificate sake which I believe is one of the reasons why we have many unproductive graduates in Nigeria, please if you are one, kindly change your mind. Similar to this is accepting any course thrown at you during the admission process. What do I mean by that?
Remember, I told you admission market is competitive right, hence not all will get the course they applied for, even in life you don’t get everything. But my dear friend, don’t be in a rush to go to the university and in doing so, you just accept any course thrown at you. Nooooo! Come on, you can do better than that.
You see I am a preacher of students getting their desired course not just any course but if unfortunately you are offered another course, please do well to check if the new course align with your interest and if it has future economic prospects, four years is a lot of years to spend doing something you don’t like or something you lack interest in.
In situations where you discover the new course offered does not align with your interest and lack future economic prospects, consult your parents and I recommend you reject such course and either try again or look for alternatives, if there are still other schools processing admission so you can apply to another institution.
In my close to a decade experience as an admission consultant, I have witnessed a whole lot my dear, and in all I can say is that determination to study a course is the most important factor, once the determination is there other things will align. I can tell you live stories of hundreds of students that refused to study just any course thrown at them but their desired course. I have multitudes of students that tried again and got what they wanted.
So I plead with you, comrade, be conscious of the course you intend to study.
At least, we’ve spoken to some extent on how you should be conscious about the course you are applying for, importantly my dear friend preparation goes a long way as well, admissions are not given just by mere declaration that you want to study this or that, your result is a major determinant to you getting that desired course of yours, not just mere talks, we are now in the era of 300s, for the past 4 years now, my students have been scoring 300 and above like its now an child’s play thing.
Therefore, here is me telling you to put in the work, read my dear friend, study like your life depends on it, indirectly it does to some of us. If you are out of school already, find a competent and efficient tutorial centre around you, register there and prepare with them. If you are in Ibadan, you can attend First Class Prevarsity (FCP) located at Idi-ape or call 08064929519, if you are in Ilorin I recommend you attend TECAS situated at No 6, Abimbola street, off F division road, Tanke, Ilorin or call 08105088421, check them out on Instagram.
I believe strongly in you, I believe you can get what it is that you desire, so go all out and get it, I will be expecting good news once your results are released.
Chapter 4
What I need not tell you
My dear friend, thank you for staying with me, that you’ve read this far attest that there is some yearning hunger for success in you, trust me you will get it.
What I need not tell you?
Yes, there are some things I need not tell you. When about 20,000 thousand students applied to UI and just 4,200 got admitted, or should we speak of the thousands of aspirants that apply to UNILORIN every year and how many gets admitted, or should we talk about OAU, UNILAG and others, there are things I definitely need not tell you trust me.
Your result determines the course you get to study most of the time, it plays the major role in your admission process save for other factors like catchment areas and the likes.
You just have to prepare, in the last chapter I told you to read like your life depends on it, I personally don’t want you giving JAMB money to plant flowers or to count figures. I need you to obtain your form, prepare and gain admission to study your desired course.
How will you prepare? I am not going to tell you, figure that out yourself.
Get materials, dedicate hours to study, enroll into a tutorial centre around you, and remember to keep your eyes on the prize.
This chapter is short because I need not tell you you much. You want it? Go all out and get it.
Best wishes.
Chapter 5
Admission Policies that affects you
Are you aware of the Admission Policies that affects you?
Comrade, I hope my use of the word “affects” does not interpret negative effect to you, don’t be scared, what I am only referring to is that there are certain policies you might be or not be aware of, that affects your admission process.
See, I need to tell you the truth, there are hidden facts laymen are not aware of which makes people think this university, that university is not fair, yada yada yada. Look, I am not here to advocate for any university or institution, I am just here to tell you what will benefit you.
You must have heard many people say this university is religiously partial, that university gives admission on man-know-man while some universities are just there, most times that is not always the case, well I am not mentioning names, I am so sure some university names are coming to your head right now! In the light of avoiding lawsuits, I still did not mention any names.
My dear, lets get to the main deal. What are those policies I am talking about? No hard feelings yea, quick question.
Have you been a victim of applying for admission and you see people that scored lower than you offered admission, and you are just there wondering which village people is following you?
I am not disputing that there are no situation where some are denied admission unjustly, I have seen some as well but this is not always the case all the time, save for exceptional cases.
Speaking of these admission policies, they are majorly three.
- Merit-based Admission
- Catchment-based Admission
- Educationally Less Developed States (ELDS)-based Admission.
Lets take it one at a time.
Merit-based Admission
When it comes to admission, I always advise my students that this is their best bet, no stories once you fall into the merit category, no one is going to deny you your admission, in this case you don’t need to bribe anyone, you don’t need to prostrate for anybody, you don’t need to lobby for admission.
In this category, the best qualified aspirants are admitted, your performance speaks for you in this category, more like the top set of top performers.
You remember when Falz the bahd guy sang soft work, this is the soft work he was talking about, or I might just call it soft route to gaining your admission.
Gaining admission through the merit category is just the safest route for you, I wouldn’t lie to you, however it is the safest but might not be so easy if I am being honest, you need to pay the price, you need to put in the work.
Securing admission through the merit category is no just mere words declaration, okay let me allow the Nigerian in us manifest, you will gain admission through the merit category!
Did I just hear you scream amen!
Don’t get me wrong, not that I am not religious, I am but I just believe the power of prayer must be complimented with smart work, the common saying is work and pray right?
In this instance, studying is your work, and May God reward your study time.
If by now, you are all gingered up that ehn, I will gain admission through merit category, dear comrade allow me remind you to put in the work as well.
Just before I go, all universities respect and recognize merit, which is why I said it’s your best bet.
Best wishes.
Catchment-based Admission
Now, here is where it starts getting funny!
There are some universities that don’t use catchment areas, universities like the University of Ibadan don’t use catchment areas, to know more about universities that don’t use catchment areas you can consult the brochure.
Honest truth is that most of the universities have catchment areas, UNILAG, OAU, UNILORIN, ABU, UNIBEN and the likes have catchment areas.
Catchment areas are usually states which particular universities give preference to during selection process during admission. Let me make it simple for you, how the catchment areas operate is that, let’s say an aspirant name is Success, Success is applying to study Law in UNILAG and she is from Oyo state, or Ogun State, she will enjoy certain preference which someone from Kogi or Kwara won’t.
Similarly, if Success was from Kwara or Kogi state and applying to UNILORIN, she will enjoy certain preference which Daniel from Oyo state won’t enjoy.
It is important you have adequate understanding how this catchment thing works, it’s not just a direct access to admission, check this out to understand better; if merit cut-off mark is 78 for Law, catchment areas can enjoy 76, 75 or 74 as their cut-off thereby enabling those from the catchment areas a bit of a edge.
Please do not see this as been unfair, you can simply use it to your advantage, if you’re from Kwara or Kogi and the likes, applying to UNILORIN will be advantageous for you.
If you’re from Ogun, Oyo, Osun, applying to UNILAG or OAU will be advantegeous to you as long as catchment is concerned. If state universities is your preference, it will be advantegeous to select a university of your state of origin or something close.
Educationally Less Developed States (ELDS)-based Admission
In Nigeria, there are 23 states recognized as educationally less developed states, these states includes Adamawa, Bauchi, Bayelsa, Benue, Borno, Cross River, Ebonyi, Gombe, Jigawa, Kaduna, Kano, Kebbi, Kogi, Katsina, Kwara, Nasarawa, Niger, Plateau, Rivers, Sokoto, Taraba, Yobe, Zamfara (Subject to JAMB and concerned institutions).
The ELDS category aroused from the need to ensure uniformed development of states across the countries in terms of education. It is believed that students from these states are not equally oppourtuned access to education like there counterparts. Hence, the ELDS is targeted to ensure these states are not left behind.
This category allows students from these states enjoy preference as they are subjected to lower cut-off mark compared to the other two admission based categories.
However, there is a clause to it, the ELDS based admission is only applicable in federal universities.
I hope you understand.
Now, that I have explained these three admission categories, I hope you understand better and use the information to your best advantage. Do not hesitate to contact me if you need clarification.
Appears to me that we have discussed on relevant areas you should know about and I also noted that if you need me kindly reach me via mail or on Whatsapp via 09051561878.
Quickly before I go, many aspirants and parents do contemplate private universities or public universities, my dear if your parent can afford private universities in the face of looming strike and all, please do not hesitate to go to private universities as well and if Public universities is your preference no problem I wish you best of luck and if you intend on studying law, UNILORIN should be your first choice, because why not.
Final note
In all honesty. I would have love to share lot more but at the moment I am busy with my academic obligation, lots of books to read and also I have students and clients applying for international admission, they have to prepare for IELTS, SATS, TOEFL and lot more, the ones applying for graduate programs they are busy with the likes of GRE and GMAT, that’s to tell you as well that I offer registrations, counselling and lots more on admission processing, do not hesitate to reach me.
Here comes the point we have to draw the curtains, it’s been nice enlightening you, please reach out to me once your JAMB RESULT IS OUT so we can discuss the last stage which is the POST-UTME, in case you need some consultation and if by chance there are areas I didn’t touch on and you need clarification, reach out to me.
Best wishes my dear friend.
Oyewo Ajibola Abdulrazaq.