ARROW OF FATE episode 14

Arrow of Fate

By: Yusuf Abd’wasii (Literatus 🌹)

Episode 14

The word pregnancy as he mentioned it rang in my brain but I have to hold it because I was so determined to say what I have in mind.
What is it? he retorted.

Abdulhakeem, please don’t be annoyed but I think we should see the doctor for medical check up.
Check up, What for? He asked?
Yes, it’s just for our inability to have a child of our own.

To hell with you, witch. You want us to go to hospital or you’ll go to hospital and find solution to your barrenness, it’s your problem not ours so don’t generalise it. I am a complete man. Where the hell did my sister find someone like you, for a whole me Abdulhakeem?
If there’s nothing else that’s very important to discuss, then I’d go back to my sleep.
Go back to your sleep? What could be more important that this? I thought. But still, I have to make myself clear, nothing is wrong with me, he’s the one with the problem. Abdulhakeem, you’ll have to go to hospital, nothing is wrong with me, I let him know.
Alas! All is know is where we were when we’re discussing this matter but as for where I woke up and how I got there, only God and Abdulhakeem knows, I can just feel pain when I woke up and there’s drip being clung to my vein, as I was told, that’s the third sachet. I couldn’t cry enough.
When I had recovered, I went to school, one of my course mate Aishah saw me and screamed… Oh my God, what is this? She said pointing to my wounded face, I faked a smiled. Aishah has also been married but seems to be happy with her husband.
My husband beat the hell out of me, I said. She didn’t know what to say as she was mute for a very long time then broke silence.
Can I confide in you? Aishah asked.
Yes, of course you can.
okay, then she continued… Aishah drew herself closer to me and said she has been using charm on her husband because her husband is more worse than Abdulhakeem.
I was taken aback to her Aishah say such, I had in the past respected her but that very day, everything went into mud.
But wait Aminah, did the charm work? Of course it did.
And your husband?
Haa… That one, he’s so calm like seriously still river. There’s peace at home and we live peacefully. But one thing is that he was affected financially, though I don’t know if it’s the effect of the charm but, I have my peace and that’s all that count.
So, are you ready? She asked.
Ready, for what? I cannot force a man to love me, it’s better if he loves me naturally.
Love, who’s taking about love? Said Aishah.
Aishah was angry that I rejected her offer, she left immediately.
That evening, Abdulhakeem rejected my food as usual and went straight to bed, as I was scared of him, I slept in another room. But I can heard him having conversations on phone with someone.
Some days later, he stopped talking to me even greetings was put to halt.
But the worse of it is when he said I should stop working where I was retained after my NYSC. He said its either I work and leave his house or leave in his house and stop working.
That was when my life crumbled. No love, no child, no job.
To make things work out, I had to see one of his colleagues Yusuf at work and he promised me that he’d talk to him, the day Mr. Yusuf talked to him, immediately he got home, he accused me of having affairs with the doctor I had been mentioning to his ears for check up.
To crown it all, he disclaimed that I’d soon see his children… Children??? Abdulhakeem, you have children? I asked irritatingly.
Yes I do, Aminah and it’s time you stop all this your melodrama.
I had them and had wanted to make it a secret, but since you’re so adamant that we should go and see the doctor, I have no reason to hide it anymore.
So, you need to be very careful if you wish to stay longer in this house, if not, you’ll be out for her to come in with my children, barren woman. He hissed and left.
Now Abdulhakeem was a proud father even though it was out of wedlock, I began to gasp for air, I couldn’t get myself anymore, I screamed over and over but Abdulhakeem did not leave his room until I lose consciousness.

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