WhatsApp has been adding many new features lately to catch up with other instant messaging apps. According to WABetalnfo, the messaging app has been working on a new group moderation feature. The feature will allow group admins to delete a message for every participant in the group.
WABetalnfo reports that the ‘admin delete’ feature is now rolling out with the WhatsApp beta for the Android update. The feature was first spotted by the publication last year. If you are on the beta testers receiving this feature and are a group administrator, you can delete messages for anyone in the group.
How admins can delete anyone’s message in the group
All you have to do is to long-press an incoming message and tap the “Delete for Everyone” option to delete a message in the group. Other group participants will be able to see that you, as an admin, deleted the message for everyone.
Public rollout may take time
The report mentions that the feature is being rolled out very slowly, so it could take some time before it rolls out widely to every beta user. There is no word on when this feature will be available in the stable version.