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Unveiling Remedial Legal Institute, What it entails

by iDeemlawful

Remedial Legal Institute is a fast-growing initiative that is established to take legally minded fellows beyond the four walls of the classroom by disseminating and discussing key legal components and issues in this era.

The establishment of the institute is premised on the very need to evaluate the standards of legal education in Nigeria, how law evolves and how it can be used as a veritable tool to transform society.

Similarly, the institute has specific interests in areas of law such as Human rights, in which the maiden webinar is hinged upon; space law, Energy law among others.

What do you not know about human rights?

Human rights are the bedrock principles that underpin all societies where there is a rule of law and democracy. Since the end of World War II, the core importance of human rights has been universally acknowledged.

Today, against a backdrop ofmultiple conflicts, humanitarian emergencies, and severe violations of internationallaw, it is all the more essential that policy responses be firmly grounded in humanrights and that States comply with the binding obligations they have contracted whenratifying international human rights treaties. From the fight against violent extremismto the struggle to eliminate poverty and our approach to managing migration, international human rights law provides an essential framework and guidance to responsible and sustainable policy-making.

Parliamentarians have a deep connection to people’s concerns. At a time when our societies are increasingly divided, parliaments can promote the essential values ofrespect, dialogue, and compromise.

There can be no place for discriminatory andxenophobic rhetoric, which scars societies and pushes communities to grow furtherapart. Parliaments that truly represent the full diversity of their society, adopt effective legislation, and hold their governments accountable, can powerfully shape a positive and inclusive future for their countries. This is to say that human rights are rights inherent to all human beings. They define relationships between individuals and power structures, especially the State.

Human rights delimit State power and, at the same time, require States to take positive measures ensuring an environment that enables all people to enjoy their liberties and rights. History in the past 250 years has been shaped by the struggle to create such an environment. Starting with the French and American revolutions in the late eighteenth century, the idea of human rights has driven many revolutionary movements for empowerment and control over the wielders of power, governments in particular.

This webinar, therefore, becomes not only important because we are humans but also because it becomes imperative towards the realization of other rights and areas of law. Thank you.

Signed OYEKUNLE, James O. Director of Operations, Remedial Legal Institute.

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