Home law Articles LAW STUDENTS AND PRIDE: AN INSEPARABLE DUO?_Ismail Khadijat Moromoke


by iDeemlawful

It is always the talk of the town that “law students are proud”. It is not a new issue particularly in higher institutions of learning in Nigeria. Funny enough, law students are accustomed to the platitude that it is no longer their major concern.

To them, they have given it an accolade. Thinking over the truism, are law students really proud? Well, to be sincere, the answer is not far-fetched; it is the result of both external and internal influences in the life of a law student who naturally, has some seeds of pride in him.

A lecturer once told us “we are only the learned. Others not in the legal world are laymen”.

A profession where, during its course of study, students are made to distinguish between layman’s definition and definitions from learned scholars, will no way grow the pride in them. Most institutions have dress code for law undergraduates. The code makes them feel special and above others.

Due to strict measures put in place to ensure that law students comply with the faculty dress code which is basically the well-known “black and white”, other students accord them with great respect mostly born out of mockery, envy, resentment and prejudice making law students to see the reason that the whole world belongs to them.

The number one internal influence that germinates the seeds of pride inherent in law students is family background.

As a professional course, about 60% of law undergraduates are from reputable backgrounds. Rich children are proud; we often say.

No doubt, coming from a prestigious family couples with studying a course which people hold in high esteem and prestige will definitely make one a proud law student. In fact, it is not a surprise at all.

The struggles before gaining admission to study law and in ensuring that they obtain their degrees make law students to feel “on top of the world” based on their belief that, unlike other students, they talk and give answers with authoritative authorities”.

Law students and pride are inseparable twins. Pride is like a blood which runs through their veins.

They can not do away with it no matter how much they tried as the profession and their personalities would not enable them to.

It might sound funny but they have to live with it as it is impossible to separate the rain from the river. Law students and pride are inseparable duo.

However, it should be noted that the pride inherent in them should not be a barrier in networking with intellectuals from various disciplines in the school and beyond to secure better future as no man knows what tomorrow will bring forth.


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1 comment

Ajilogba Abdul-Hamid Adewale November 16, 2021 - 1:03 pm

I applaud The writer for this wonderful piece. However, I will say without any intimidation that some law students are not actually proud as some people do acclaim but the views of people on law Students for years have been the toxic part of them till moment.

May God bless us all!


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